That Life (a write back)

8:45 I searched for a site for poems; at 9 PM I found one and read a poem; instead of writing a comment I decided to write back.

Do you regret now we’re an adult?

When the days seemed to stretch with li’l result?

The times when loneliness’ – the only friend

And we find no reason to contend?

Do you go to convenient stores?

Where lunch is a ramen and nothing more?

The train we ride to race to our jobs

We’ll be on it all day ‘till nearly dark.

Sneaking lunch and dreaming of naps

Working like mad and making what?

Innocent fun, those days never came by

They were never part; we never had a try.

I pity the children born before now

They never had fun for they never knew how

Heads buried in books, eyes set on the prize

For to live without plan is never wise

Growing up in a world of great perfection

Failure was never an option

Is this really the world that came to be?

Or do we need to set ourselves free?

Stop talking lies, live in the present

To live in passion is much more pleasant

Get on a bike, go for a run

You got that life, create a new one!