Dear Once a Student,

click to hear the writer read her composition

Spare me some of your time

I’d like to share to you my inspiration.

You see, I was brought to this unexpected destination,

as part of a system called education.

I’m not an expert in education.

My diploma is in communication

but I have always loved children,

always curious about their creation.

They have a different world, a universe of their own –

uncontaminated, untainted, unsophisticated.

But because of human nature, we – the adults,

demolished, insulted, neglected the freedom to be their own.

We call this process, EDUCATION.

This is my view, a letter to you.

Dear Once a Student,

Do you still remember the number of hours you sat still in a class?

that when you move or chat you are threatened not to pass?

Dear Teacher,

It is only through practice we can master our movements.

and just like you, we yearn the need to communicate.

To make the matter worse, we were trained

to be silent and to hear you.

Now, let me ask you,

“Were you ever curious about our view?”

Dear Once a Student,

Do you still remember the subjects we had?

Math and English in the primary years,

then they added Filipino, Science and history.

I thought it will never last.

I was right.

They added Values, MAPEH and TLE

And guess what? We memorized all the strokes, but never learned how to swim

We know honesty is the best policy,

but it is better to cheat than to displease the examiner

Dear Examiner,

We have learned all the words,

all adjectives and the verbs

even the synonyms and antonyms.

But after the exam, all to no avail.

Because our hearts yearn not for words,

but for the universe.

We have learned history, mathematics and geography

But we failed to learn the purpose of this reality.

Dear Once a Student,

Do you still remember the time when you wished to be number one?

You had friends and a lot of time

but you prefer to study alone and miss all the fun

because what is important is that number one.

Forget the other things just not that crown

Dear Teacher,

These other things are my childhood

life itself and its very root.

The adventures I should have had

The friends I should have met

The life I should have lived.

All for what? Number 1?

Competition is good but compassion is greater,

and its only on the other things we learn the latter.

So, you see,

We had values with NO people,

Excellence with NO reason

Education with NO illumination

We were put in a box of perfection and competition

Then shoved into the world that needs faith and compassion

Dear Once a Student,

Despite all these, you know when I say that there will always be one or two

educators that we considered true.

They give not exams, no lectures, none of the pressures

but only life stories – the real treasure

not lessons nor opinions

but rather, all forms of inspirations.

They give not just time but their lives.

A teacher once told me,

Life is an equation

It has balance that needs consideration

Life is a novel

Success only comes to those who are noble

Life is a circle

It has thousands of sides creating one whole

So, you see, my dear teachers

It’s not about how many reports you have made nor test papers you have checked.

We just need you to inspire us to admire life.

Now, that I am a teacher, I should always be reminded

that there is no perfection in education only inspiration.

I was never once a student but is forever a student

Photo by Cole Keister on Unsplash

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